Friday, September 25, 2009

mc madness

if you click through the lovely ladies' blogs featured on the right, you'll notice that ModCloth makes quite a few cameos. i've recently discovered the reason: it's AMAZING. the site is jam packed with all sorts of goodies... dresses, shoes, sunglasses, rompers, you name it! let's take a look at what i consider to be some first-glance highlights:

one of the first images i saw when visiting the site. i'm pretty sure i DIED. (you'll come to learn that i have a thing for pugs AND big glasses so this is pretty much a slice of heaven right here):

next up, a wild horses maxi-dress. also available in chest-ire cat and wolf form. the description calls it "100% amazing" and i could not agree more:

i saw this skirt over at orchid grey and fell in love... my darling boyfriend may or may not have ordered one for me, i'm crossing my fingers:

last but not least, one of the many items i drool over whenever Jessica from WhatIWore has it on. if it weren't out of stock, i would've snatched up this goodie in a minute. this necklace makes everything look fantastic:
i could go on and on (and on and ON) but it's way more fun to check it out for yourself! everything is so well priced, and so cleverly named (i'm also a sucker for puns) that you could spend hours and paychecks at modcloth. and that wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing!

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